Monday, October 5, 2009

What will become of this blog?

So, I created this blog last week and I thought about what I wanted this to become over the weekend. I've really thought about it and am not sure where this will take me. Do I write about things only in my personal life? Do I write about my political views and my observations about current events? Do I try to find a happy medium? I still don't know.

Until I answer these questions, I think I'm going to keep this blog anonymous while the first few posts take shape. I don't plan to link this to my facebook page or send an e-mail out to my friends telling them to start reading just yet. I wouldn't say that I'm paranoid, but like anyone else who uses the Internet will tell you, once you shoot something out into cyberspace for the world to view/read/listen to, it is very difficult to erase its existence (if you ever need to down the road). Until I figure out what will become of this, I'll just enjoy the madness. If you happen to stumble upon this by accident, I hope you will enjoy watching this evolve.

I have always considered myself a writer and remember even as a young child writing in a journal about life's daily adventures. When my parents first bought my sister and I a word processor, I remember writing in depth about family vacations and sightseeing adventures. During the first three years of my career, I would write in an online journal on my personal website about things mainly in my private life. I stopped writing in it for a variety of reasons, but I do enjoy going back, even years later, and reading my entries again. Maybe in 5/10/15/20+ years down the road, I'll enjoy reading these entries again, remembering what it was like to be alive at these totally random moments in time.

So, until next time...

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